Old Crabby's Complaints

I am sick of a whole lot of things. This is where I complain and complain and complain - BUT better, I offer you the chance to complain with me! Let's tell the world what we're sick of!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

double wide

what the hell is with these double wide strollers? maybe the first question should be, "why are some of these kids even in strollers?" if you can walk, you don't need a stroller. when my kids were really little, and tripping over their own feet they were in a stroller. once they could walk, unless we were planning to be travelling for a few miles (like walking around disney world for three days) then they walked on their own.

but for some reason now, strollers are the limos of spoiled brats. i consistently see nannies "walking" the kids in this way. for the fresh air? i just don't get it. some of these kids are way to big and tall and able to be sitting in these things... but that's not even the biggest problem i see.

if you wanna teach your kid to be a lazy shit, that's your problem. but when you get in my way, that becomes my problem. we couldn't afford some of those fancy strollers when my kids were that small, but i'd seen the ones that were big and took two kids. one in front, one in back, two kids fighting over the damned seat. sometimes they both wanted the front, sometimes the back. either way, you were gonna have two kids fighting. what's the solution?

double wide strollers, where the kids sit side by side. this is just stupid. what happens when you are pushing one of these oversided loads down the sidewalk? everybody else has to jump for cover as you roll on through. they take up the whole sidewalk. why the hell are you walking your kids in the first place? where i'm walking is no place that kids need to travel. i think brat #1 and brat #2's mommy has told the nanny to get them fresh air. instead of watching them play, they strap 'em in the double wide, and power walk around the neighborhood. usually i see a few nannies with an army of strollers. it reminds me of dog walkers.

the point is, the damned strollers get in everybody's way. make the kids walk. but if you can't, don't use a contraption that needs a cow catcher to spare pedestrians from a massive collision.

i won't even go into the details of what happens when a north going stroller meets a south going stroller on the same sidewalk. mass carnage. mass carnage.


one think i hate is when a show i like to watch goes on hiatus over the summer. i can't stand to sit there and watch reruns. so i have to wait, and almost forget about it. but then it comes back in the fall and sucks me in again.

its a nasty trick they pull to get you involved again by making everything look shiny and new and different and exciting. so that has nothing to do with this new artwork that Tim has added to all of us on insomniac's paradise. nothing at all.

sorry for the delay, but i've been dealing with a lot of tough stuff over the summer, which i'll be complaining about really, really soon. in the meantime, i've got something more mundane to yap about...