Old Crabby's Complaints

I am sick of a whole lot of things. This is where I complain and complain and complain - BUT better, I offer you the chance to complain with me! Let's tell the world what we're sick of!

Saturday, January 14, 2006


well now that we're well into january, i can more or less safely say that we've finished with the holiday season. thank goodness for that. i can't stand the mess that the end of the year brings. i'll admit it's nice to see the kids and stuff, that i don't mind too much, but all the other crap that comes along with it is just too much.

nevermind the malls with ridiculus decorations and music and creepy middle-aged men wearing costumes so little kids can sit on their laps, so they can earn enough extra income to buy that bottle of scotch at the end of the month and lapse themselves into an alcohol-induced coma, prevent themselves from jumping out a window. but i digress.

nevermind the consumerism and the fact that i see approximately 7 billion advertisements on tv, in magazines and newspaper, on billboards telling me what to buy to make me and my family happy for the season. it's as though buying up every flavor of coffee, every breakfast cereal, and every blueberry yogurt will suddenly make it a happy holiday season. it's as if buying the christmas car seat covers, hannukka sunglasses, kwanza table clothes, and ramadan pencil set will bring me extra holiday joy. it's like they're telling me that if i have money in my bank account at the end of the year, i might as well be Ebeneezer Scrooge. Bah, humbug.

nevermind the over-decorating idiots who spend a few extra hundred bucks to put twinkling lights all over their house, so they can brag about it to compensate for their bratty kids, cheating wives, and crappy jobs, and so they can spend a few hundred more on the electric bill to complain to their dying pets, cranky neighbors, and alcoholic mailman.

nevermind the fact that kids are out of school and running around all over the place. (i'll save the annoyance with children for another evening). and nevermind that i can't buy a gallon of milk at the grocery store or a pair of sox at the department store, or a freakin' bag of dogfood at the petstore without waiting in overcrowded lines of people buying extra shit for themselves and their loved ones.

nevermind that all the holidays, including thankgsiving and new years are all squished into 50 days to make it that much worse for us all, and depriving us of some much needed time off of work on days that don't start with november or december or january.

nevermind that entire family is expected to come together, even drunken uncle charlie, and that weird cousin with the parakeet, and your great, great, great, grand-aunt (who is really just a homeless woman who crept into your family years ago when no one noticed) and then gourge yourself on holiday treats, huge meals, candy, and egg nog.

i kinda like the egg nog, if there's booze in it.

nevermind that you spend a fortunte on presents that everyone exchanges the next day because it's too big or too green or too ugly or too doesn't work. and nevermind that you want to exchange the same crap, but will get hassled if you make a peep.

nevermind that at the end of every day you're more tired than when you began it.

nevermind the specials on tv.

nevermind the pressure to be nice.



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