Old Crabby's Complaints

I am sick of a whole lot of things. This is where I complain and complain and complain - BUT better, I offer you the chance to complain with me! Let's tell the world what we're sick of!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


i am in too much pain to think, so you'll have to forgive the post. i hurt in just about every way that you can hurt, but i'll avoid most of the description, except with one particular part which i shall attempt to explain to you, in my best descriptive language, the way i have strained, ached, and wrought my body over the last few days.

my feet ache... the arches burn with vitually every step that i take... to make matters worse, the flattened tooties of mine have been strained to the point that the pressure from the top of the feet has begun to cause a new pain in the bones of the foot... in reaction to having flat feet of course...

but ooh, so much worse... the blisters... i have 6 blisters on my feet. 4 of them are tiny, but 2 are large. i popped them, to relieve the pressure, but as the ooze came forth, one of the blisters left a small gash of exposed under-flesh. strangely enough, this tiny exposed piece is perhaps the most painful part of my body at the moment. to make this more clear, i will continue.

so this part of my foot, starts to sting, and soon his brethern blisters follow in providing nothing buy pain. i stepped into the shower (so as to wash up and avoid infection of course - i'm no fool) and the pain only worsened. each tiny droplet of water was a dagger in the side of my feet. imagine taking a nail and repeatedly stabbing yourself in the foot. this is what the first three minutes of my shower were like. in fact, at one point the pain was so strong, that i almost passed out.

that sounds like ridiculous exaggeration, but it wasn't. i felt a short wave of nausea, and then suddenly my knees went weak, and i thought i might actually fall. luckily it was gone in seconds, and the pain soon washed away (no pun intended). it continued to sting, but nothing like those first few moments. band-aided up nicely, i was secure in the knowledge that i could just prop those babies up and fall asleep.

you might be wondering how i got the blisters, and why i'm not complaining about it - and to that i simply say: all in good time.

for now though, all you must know is how much i hate blisters. i hate them worse when they rip apart leaving skinless flesh. i don't anticipate any disagreement on this one.

blisters. they aren't fun.