Old Crabby's Complaints

I am sick of a whole lot of things. This is where I complain and complain and complain - BUT better, I offer you the chance to complain with me! Let's tell the world what we're sick of!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

idiots walking

ok, this one is easy to talk about, because i know a whole bunch of you have the same feeling of hatred toward stupid people who walk in front of cares. yesterday, i'm in a cab - we'll get to my feeling on cabs another day - and waiting at an intersection. the light changes to our favor, when these morons start walking directly in front of the car. now, i'm all for the pedestrian's right of way, but if you're so stupid to stand there and watch what's going on, and then try to cross when it's obvious that it's not the time to do so, well - frankly you desereve to get injured by the moving vehicles.

they move quite fast you totally unaware bozos. again, a mistake is one thing, not paying attention is something that happens to the best of us. i'm talking about people who just think if they walk in front of the car, it will stop, because they are on foot. it's a nice theory, but like communism, only nice in theory.

this is the problem with darwinian evolotion today. natural selection doesn't have a change to act on the stupid people until they've already reproduced.